In the realm of do-it-yourself projects, crafting your own accessories adds a personal touch to your style. If you're on the lookout for a fast, fun and eco-friendly endeavor, creating a trendy cork coin pouch might just be the perfect project for you. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll guide you step-by-step through the process of making a stylish cork coin pouch that not only serves its practical purpose but also showcases your creative flair.
Materials Needed:
Before we dive into the creative process, let's gather the materials you'll need for this DIY cork coin pouch project:
- Cork leather (1 piece measuring roughly 5" x 9")
- Heavy thread to match or complement your cork leather (I use a thread for leather and upholstery so the topstitching stands out.)
- Zipper (you can use zipper tape or a regular zipper cut to size)
- Scissors
- Sewing machine with a fresh needle (I use a sharp size 90, jean, or leather needle on my machine because I generally am using heavier cork leather for my projects)
- Clips (do not use pins in cork as the holes will not self-heal)
- Ruler or measuring tape (as you can see in the pictures, I use a self-healing mat for all my cork projects)
Step 1: Choosing the Right Cork Leather
Cork leather, or cork fabric, comes in many colors, patterns, and weights, or thicknesses allowing you to personalize your coin pouch. Select a cork fabric that appeals to your taste and complements your style. Ensure that the fabric is pliable but sturdy enough for the coin pouch. Like most other materials, cork fabric can be found in a variety of quality levels, so be sure you are purchasing your cork leather from a reputable source. Also make sure you are selecting an appropriate weight of cork. Very thin cork fabric, sometimes referred to as "cork paper" is probably NOT what you'd want for this coin pouch.
Step 2: Cutting the Cork Fabric
Using your ruler and scissors, measure and cut the cork fabric into a rectangle that is roughly 5 inches by 9 inches. This rectangle will serve as the main panel of your coin pouch. The dimensions can vary based on your preference, but a common size for a finished coin pouch is around 4.5 inches by 4.5 inches. You could easily make this into a pencil case by cutting your cork wider, say 8 inches by 9 inches. Then follow the same instructions using a longer zipper as well.
Step 3: Attaching the Zipper
Select a zipper that complements your chosen cork fabric and is the same length or longer as you want your pouch to be wide. You can also choose to use zipper tape if you are comfortable with it. I'm using a very long zipper that I've cut down to make mine more like zipper tape. I prefer to have my zipper longer than I need it to begin with. I also had some extra #5 zippers I wanted to use up so that's what is shown here, but if you prefer the smaller teeth, then look for a #3 zipper.
Place your zipper face up on your table and then place one short edge of your cork along the top zipper edge. Clip it together. Using a 4.0 stitch length and the zipper foot on your machine, sew along the edge of the zipper where your zipper foot follows the edge of the zipper. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end to lock in the seam.
Unfold the cork from your zipper and finger press it open. Clip the edges.
Then sew a topstitch along the edge approximately 1/4" away from the zipper being sure to catch the zipper tape in the seam. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end to lock it in.
Now place the zipper face up on your table. Flip up the bottom of your rectangle to meet the zipper and line it up on top. Clip it together.
Remove the zipper pull if one is already on your zipper. If you've used a regular zipper you may need to cut off the stop in order to remove it. Flatten out your rectangle and finger press.
Clip and then topstitch just like you did before. Put your zipper pull back on again forming a tube. You can turn the tube inside out before or after you put the zipper pull back on.
Step 4: Side seams
Make sure your zipper is at least a little open before you do this next step. I open it up about 1.5-2". Next, flatten your tube so that you have 3/4 to 1" from the top of the tube to the top set of zipper teeth. Clip both sides.
Sew down both sides 1/4" from the edge using the regular sewing foot on your machine. Be sure to backstitch at the top and bottom and at the zipper to reinforce it and lock it in.
Step 5: Finish it up
Cut your zipper down to size now so that it matches up with the side seams. Then cut each of the corners at an angle. Be careful not to cut the stitches. Clip any long threads so they don't interfere with the zipper.
Pro tip: Using a lighter, quickly burn the edges of the cork on the side seams. This will burn off extra thread and help keep the cork backing from fraying.
Push out the corners to give the pouch its final shape using a pointed object such as a knitting needle or even a pencil, push the corners to smooth them out.
Congratulations on crafting your very own trendy cork coin pouch! This DIY project not only provides you with a stylish accessory but also allows you to express your creativity in a sustainable way. Experiment with different zipper and cork colors and patterns to make unique pouches for yourself or as thoughtful gifts for friends and family. Enjoy the process of crafting and showcasing your one-of-a-kind accessory! We'd love to see your creations, so follow us @texascork on social media and tag us when you show pictures.
Love the idea, but not really the crafting type? Or can't find cork fabrics that really suit your style? Check out our selection of coin pouches made right here in central Texas!